Trauma & The Wounded Healer  
How Our Deepest Wounds Serve as Pathways of Initiation
with Matt Licata, Ph.D.
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"It is love, of course, that guides the reorganization and it's unfolding. But it is love, too, that is the substance of the ashes, and also the tears, the tears of grief and the tears of love. If the tears could speak, they may tell us that there is no medicine in a wound that is already healed, but only in the one that is weeping."

- Matt Licata, PhD

Matt Licata, PhD.

In this short webinar, psychotherapist and author Matt Licata explores an embodied, contemporary, trauma-sensitive path of spirituality and healing through the archetype of the wounded healer. 

Many of us interested in things like spirituality, yoga, and meditation have been wounded in our lives – physically, emotionally, or at a deeper soul level. How can we come to see our wounding not as an obstacle to our path, but as the very path itself

The great mystics, poets, and alchemists have suggested that our wounding serves an initiation into the soul, but what does this mean and how does all of this fit into our modern understanding of trauma and its profound effects on our bodies and nervous systems? 

Join Matt on this deep dive into the nature of trauma, how trauma is healed through an “updating” of the neural networks which hold unprocessed material, and how a new relationship with our vulnerabilities, sensitivities, and eccentricities can be a portal into psychological growth, emotional healing, and spiritual transformation.

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Trauma & The Wounded Healer

© Copyright 2021 Matt Licata, Ph.D. 