***All private sessions for the foreseeable future have been booked. Please view my scheduling page to check for cancellations.***
Please note that I offer psychotherapy (assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological conditions) only to residents of the state of Colorado. For all others wishing to work with me, I provide spiritual counseling, guidance, mentorship, and consultation.
Depth, or soul-based psychotherapy takes place slowly over time, is oriented in relationship, and tends to be longer term in nature. This level of work is appropriate for those wishing to make a serious commitment to their own individuation, healing, and transformation. The journey of wholeness is by its nature subtle and profound, and unfolds according to a timeline that is unique to your own soul.

Ongoing depth work and guidance is not rooted primarily in the elimination of symptoms, solving problems, or even in “healing” by way of some particular approach or technique. This is not to say that symptoms will not be lessened along the way – or that solutions to problems will not emerge – but that the center of gravity of our work together will be in the slow maturation of the human soul, the shepherding or midwiving of the birth of the human heart.
Together, we will enter into a vessel, but the nature of this vessel is of the mystery and will form uniquely for the benefit of the unfolding of you in all your majesty.
While this work is not easy and can prove challenging to the identities and fantasies we have gathered along the way, it takes place in a container of love, grounded in your basic goodness, essence-creativity, unique sensitivities and eccentricities, and authentic desire for wholeness.
To make this journey with an empathic, attuned, experienced fellow traveler is one of the true mysteries of this human life, and becoming more and more rare in a busy, stressful, quick-fix world.
My approach draws on the wisdom found in psychoanalytic and depth psychologies, relational and contemplative neuroscience, as well as in a variety of meditative traditions, and is rooted in an integral, trauma-sensitive approach to psychological growth, emotional healing, and spiritual transformation.